This week we will read the Gospel of Judas. Check this link for the text: And join us this Sunday morning for some Godly Conversation about this most notorious of characters in the story of our faith: Judas might change your view of these seemingly simple assumptions :
1. Judas betrayed Jesus
2. Judas was a bad guys
3. Jesus forgave Judas for betraying him.
Join us!
Follow and participate in these godly conversations from the Episcopal Parish of St. Paul in Newton Highlands, MA. Every respectful voice is welcome!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Week IV - The Gospel of Mary (Magdalene)
Last week we discussed the Gospel of Mary (Magdalene). The text is available at: This Gospel was likely written in the early 2nd century, in Greek. Scholars think that it was relatively well read and circulated as it was also translated into Coptic. It is generally thought to be a gnostic text. Gnosticism was a branch (or set of branches) of the early Christian community that saw knowledge as the currency for salvation. The landscape of the gnostic worldview is therefore predicated on a world divided between the good and the sinful (grounded in material illusion rather than divine knowledge) realms. This text is both a very different perspective of early Christian thinking, and among our best witnesses to the leadership and strength of women in the early Christian communities.
Some of the language is very similar to the canonical Gospels: let he who has ears to hear; the Son of Man is with you; peace be with you...
The cast is familiar: the Savior, Mary, Peter, Andrew and Levi. Peter and Andrew were fisherman brothers, and Levi ( also called Matthew) was a tax collector. The three were among the twelve disciples.
Although Jesus' message is a bit different from the canonical Gospels, his instruction is familiar: go and preach the gospel of the kingdom. And his assurance that the Son of Man will be with them, is very familiar.
If this is a gnostic text, then knowledge is the brass ring, and Jesus is the revealer.
1. What part of this Gospel is also reflected in the canonical accounts?
Some of the language is very similar to the canonical Gospels: let he who has ears to hear; the Son of Man is with you; peace be with you...
The cast is familiar: the Savior, Mary, Peter, Andrew and Levi. Peter and Andrew were fisherman brothers, and Levi ( also called Matthew) was a tax collector. The three were among the twelve disciples.
Although Jesus' message is a bit different from the canonical Gospels, his instruction is familiar: go and preach the gospel of the kingdom. And his assurance that the Son of Man will be with them, is very familiar.
2. What parts are new to our understanding of who Jesus is?
The gist of the Gospel is that the one follower with whom Jesus trusted his message, and who got it, was Mary. Peter and Andrew are troubled by the possibility that Jesus may have loved/trusted someone more than he loved/trusted them, and that that someone was a woman. And so Jesus' instruction to go forth and teach is met first with fear and trembling by the male disciples who wrap at the thought of facing Jesus' painful end as a consequence, and then summarily attack Mary, causing her to weep, with a litany of seemingly petty insecurities about her relationship to Jesus, visa vie their own.
An d so what we get is a good view of a human community who is charged with a divine mission, and the complexity and chaos that likely defined much of the early Christian world, struggling for signs and affirmations of their meaning and belonging and disciples of Christ. Which is to say, it is unclear what new information we know about Jesus, but we surely do know a bit more about the early Christian communities.
An d so what we get is a good view of a human community who is charged with a divine mission, and the complexity and chaos that likely defined much of the early Christian world, struggling for signs and affirmations of their meaning and belonging and disciples of Christ. Which is to say, it is unclear what new information we know about Jesus, but we surely do know a bit more about the early Christian communities.
3. In this narrative, who is Jesus?
If this is a gnostic text, then knowledge is the brass ring, and Jesus is the revealer.
You are encouraged to read this short Gospel (link above) and offer your own comments below.
Next week we will tackle the Gospel of Judas.
Get the text at:
Get the text at:
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Week III - The Lost Gospel of Peter
Last week we discussed the Lost Gospel of Peter. We read the Raymond Brown translation (which can be found at ) and talked about the following questions:
1. What part of this Gospel is also reflected in the canonical accounts?
The cast is similar to the canonical Gospels: Herod the Jew, Pilate the Roman, Joseph of Arimethea, the Jewish people and elite (Pharisees, scribes and elders), Mary Magdalene, and finally, after all is said and done the disciples appear: Simon Peter, Andrew, and Levi.
The plot is similar to the canonical Gospels until the resurrection. Jesus is in Herod's custody, and Herod sends him to Pilate who releases Jesus "over to the people" who were physically rough with him and they kicked him and placed a crown of thorns on his head, and they spat on him , slapped his cheeks and poked him with a reed. They gave him vinegar and gall to drink as he thirsted on the cross.
Jesus was crucified between two criminals, who recognized Jesus as innocent. And as Jesus was dying at midday, darkness fell on the earth. After he died
2. What parts are new to our understanding of the suffering and death and resurrection of Christ?
This Gospel suggests that Jesus felt no pain on the cross, "he was silent as of having no pain" NB: this is the seed of the heresy that likely disqualified this Gospel from the canon from the get-go....the notion that there was no passion.
The words of Jesus on the cross are the second big departure from the canonical Gospels. Jesus said: :My power, O power, you have forsaken me." We talked about how this may have been what Peter and the disciples imagined he would say, as they had witnessed Jesus as all-powerful until this very moment.
And, just after Jesus utters these words, the text says: "And having said this, he was taken up." Another departure from the canon....which does not speak of Jesus' ascent until 40 days after his resurrection.
Joseph of Arimethea was also a friend of Pilate's. And Joseph buried Jesus in his own sepulcher, the Garden of Joseph.
After Jesus' death, most of the rest of this Gospel differs from its canonical counterparts. The Jewish elite realize that they have made a terrible mistake and they lament and beat their chests and regret their actions for the judgment that they fear certainly awaits them. Pilate completely washes his hands and blames the people: "it was to you that this seemed the thing to do."
The empty tomb seems to have been witnessed twice. Once by two mysterious young men who appeared with a voice from heaven, and then by Mary Magdalene and the other women.
3. In this narrative, who is responsible for the death of Jesus?
We thought that this Gospel places the responsibility for Christ's death pretty squarely on the Jewish people and elite and the Jewish governmental authority, Herod. Herod was the one here who condemned Jesus to death. In the end, Pilate is exonerated.
You are encouraged to read this short Gospel (link above) and offer your own comments below.
What do you think is the Good News of this Gospel?
Next Sunday: The Gospel of Mary (Magdalene). Read it for yourself at:
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Week II - Canonical Gospel Passion Narratives, cont'd
Last week we continued to discuss the passion narratives in the canonical Gospels, particularly the synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. A comparison of the canonical Gospel accounts will follow in week five when we get to the Gospel According to John.
Our topic for week III (March 10th) is the Lost Gospel of Peter. In preparation for our discussion, we will read the Raymond Brown translation (which can be found at ) and think about the following questions:
1. What part of this Gospel is also reflected in the canonical accounts?
2. What parts are new to our understanding of the suffering and death and resurrection of Christ?
3. In this narrative, who is responsible for the death of Jesus?
4. What is the Good News in this narrative?
Please join us to read, and reflect and respond!
Our topic for week III (March 10th) is the Lost Gospel of Peter. In preparation for our discussion, we will read the Raymond Brown translation (which can be found at ) and think about the following questions:
1. What part of this Gospel is also reflected in the canonical accounts?
2. What parts are new to our understanding of the suffering and death and resurrection of Christ?
3. In this narrative, who is responsible for the death of Jesus?
4. What is the Good News in this narrative?
Please join us to read, and reflect and respond!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Week I - Canonical Gospel Passion Narratives
Last Sunday we talked about the passion narratives in the four canonical Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. We noted that the word "passion" literally means to suffer. So the "Passion Narratives" are the stories of Jesus' suffering unto death.
Like our understanding of the birth and baptism and transfiguration of Jesus, our general cultural understanding of his suffering and death is a sort of amalgam of details that come from different Gospel accounts. So, without looking at the texts, we listed all of the things that we know, as a Christian culture, about the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.
Here is what our group of 11folks, present on Sunday morning, listed as what we "know," generally speaking, about the passion of Christ.:
The Garden of Gethsemane
Jesus was Crucified
Like our understanding of the birth and baptism and transfiguration of Jesus, our general cultural understanding of his suffering and death is a sort of amalgam of details that come from different Gospel accounts. So, without looking at the texts, we listed all of the things that we know, as a Christian culture, about the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.
Here is what our group of 11folks, present on Sunday morning, listed as what we "know," generally speaking, about the passion of Christ.:
What do we know about the Passion of Christ?
In our Christian culture, what do we think we know about the
suffering and death of Jesus Christ; that is, from Palm Sunday through Good
Palm Sunday
There were palms spread on the ground when Jesus entered
Jesus rode in on a donkey.
It was during Passover.
The Last Supper
Jesus knew what was going to happen, ahead of time.
Not sure how far ahead of time, but by the Last Supper, he knew.
We don’t know how he knew, he just did.
Jesus was with his 12 disciples at the Last Supper.
Jesus washed his disciples’ feet at the Last Supper.
Jesus said the words of institution (for our Eucharist) at
the Last Supper.At the Last supper, Jesus said: “one of you will betray me.”
At the Last Supper Jesus said: “Peter, you will deny me three
After the Last Supper, Jesus went into the Garden of
Gethsemane to pray.
Jesus asked his disciples to stay awake with him.
The disciples fell asleep.
In the Garden of G. Jesus said to God: remove this cup.
In the Garden of G. Jesus said to God: “ not my will but
Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Jesus said to the soldiers: “ you have no power over me.”
Jesus said to Judas: “do what you have to do.”
Peter chopped off a soldier’s ear.
Jesus said: “who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.
After the Arrest
After Jesus was arrested, there was a trial.
The trail went back and forth between Pilate, the Roman
Governor and Herod, the Jewish Governor who worked for the Romans.
Pilate gave the people a say in the outcome of Jesus’ trial.
The prisoner Barabbas was released in stead of Jesus at the
crowd’s request.
Pilate said: “behold the man”
Jesus was flogged by Pilate.
Jesus wore a crown of thorns.
Jesus was spat upon and taunted by a crowd of soldiers and
Jewish elite.
Jesus did not say a lot.
Jesus did not defend himself.
When Pilate asked if he was the Son of God, Jesus said: “You
say I am”
Soldiers took his clothes and cast lots.
A soldier stuck a spear in Jesus’ rib and put vinegar in the
Jesus carried his own cross.
Jesus said to James: “this is your mother.”
Jesus said on the way to his crucifixion: “Do not weep for
me, women of Jerusalem.”
Simon of Cyrene also carried Jesus cross.
Two other criminals were crucified on either side of Jesus.
Women were with him at the cross.
The disciples had fled.
On the cross Jesus said:
Forgive them father, for they know
not what they do.
It is finished.
I am thirsty.
My God, My God Why have you
forsaken me?
Today you will be with me in
Jesus died on a cross.
The curtain was torn.
A darkness fell over the earth.
The Centurion said:
truly this man is the Son of God.”
What would you add to this list?
Is there a part of the story of Jesus' suffering unto death that we missed?
If so, please add it below in the comment box.
Stay tuned for the next installment of this blog which will identify the sources of all of these parts of our story. Which Gospel contributes the most to our story?
And this coming Sunday, March 4th, we will discuss the passion narrative in the non-canonical Gospel of Peter. You can find the text at:
Friday, February 24, 2012
Lent 2012 in the Year of the Word
Sunday Mornings at 9:30am
The Non-Canonical Word
In this, our "Year of the Word," during the season of Lent, our Sunday morning Godly Conversations will be grounded in a survey of several of the Gospels that did not make it into our canon; Gospels that may help us prepare for Holy Week with new eyes and some fresh perspectives about...well, at least about the early Christian communities that were responsible for these writings, and their very diverse understandings of "the Word."
Below is the schedule for our conversations as well as several links to the primary source texts which you are encouraged to read and reflect upon, at your own pace. You can join the conversation on line by clicking in the comment area below, and/or you can join the conversation in person on Sunday morning. This will be a conversation that is suited for beginners and Bible enthusiasts, alike. So please join us and learn a bit about the early Christian words that were left out of our canon.
The blue links are the original texts and the pink links are to the resource pages on the Early Christian Writings site
The Non-Canonical Word
In this, our "Year of the Word," during the season of Lent, our Sunday morning Godly Conversations will be grounded in a survey of several of the Gospels that did not make it into our canon; Gospels that may help us prepare for Holy Week with new eyes and some fresh perspectives about...well, at least about the early Christian communities that were responsible for these writings, and their very diverse understandings of "the Word."
Below is the schedule for our conversations as well as several links to the primary source texts which you are encouraged to read and reflect upon, at your own pace. You can join the conversation on line by clicking in the comment area below, and/or you can join the conversation in person on Sunday morning. This will be a conversation that is suited for beginners and Bible enthusiasts, alike. So please join us and learn a bit about the early Christian words that were left out of our canon.
The blue links are the original texts and the pink links are to the resource pages on the Early Christian Writings site
Lent I – February 26
Passion Narratives in the Canonical Gospels
Passion Narratives in the Canonical Gospels
Mark 14-15, Matthew 26-27, Luke 22-23, John 13,18-19
Lent II – March 4
Gospel of Peter
Gospel of Peter
Lent III – March 11
Gospel of Mary
Gospel of Mary
Lent IV – March 18
Gospel of Judas
Gospel of Judas
Lent V – March 25
Gospel of Phillip
Gospel of Phillip
So joins us every Sunday morning in the season of Lent between 9:30am and 10:15am in person,
or at whatever time is convenient with you, online, for some Godly Conversation!
or at whatever time is convenient with you, online, for some Godly Conversation!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Week III Follow Up
This week we discussed chapter three of "Jesus Interrupted" called: A Mass of Variation.
This chapter of the book talks about the different perceptions of Jesus in each of the four Gospels and in the Letters of Paul. Likewise, we talked about the different perceptions that the same person might have at different stages in one's life. So, our homework this week was to share our names for Jesus at different stages in our own lives. Here were some of the responses to the question, what was your perception of Jesus at each stage in your life?
As a Child
As a Teenager
As an Adult
What were/are your names for Jesus at these stages in your life?
Just click "comment" below are share your thoughts....
This chapter of the book talks about the different perceptions of Jesus in each of the four Gospels and in the Letters of Paul. Likewise, we talked about the different perceptions that the same person might have at different stages in one's life. So, our homework this week was to share our names for Jesus at different stages in our own lives. Here were some of the responses to the question, what was your perception of Jesus at each stage in your life?
As a Child
- Christ
- Good Shepherd
- Good Shepherd
- Good Shepherd
- All-Knowing Judge
- God
- Baby Jesus
- Baby Jesus Almighty
- Good Shepherd
As a Teenager
- Lamb of God (A Sacrifice)
- Boyfriend
- Saviour
- Historical Figure
- Exalted
- New Way of Life in Christ
- The Trinity
- Cool
As an Adult
- Historical Figure
- Light & Wisdom Incarnate
- Faithful Partner
- Historical Figure
- A New Message of a New Way to Live
- God
- A Role Model
- Bread of Life
What were/are your names for Jesus at these stages in your life?
Just click "comment" below are share your thoughts....
Monday, January 16, 2012
Week II Follow Up
In week II of our series on the book "Jesus Interrupted," we talked about the discrepancies that exist across the four Gospels.
and as an example, we compared the four accounts of Jesus' baptism.
If we use Mark's account as our baseline, here are a few of the differences among the four Gospels in the telling of this common event:
In Matthew's version:
In Luke's version:
The Holy Spirit descends on Jesus after he is baptized by John.
Jesus is praying when the Spirit descends.
In John's version:
and as an example, we compared the four accounts of Jesus' baptism.
If we use Mark's account as our baseline, here are a few of the differences among the four Gospels in the telling of this common event:
In Matthew's version:
In Luke's version:
The Holy Spirit descends on Jesus after he is baptized by John.
Jesus is praying when the Spirit descends.
In John's version:
Monday, January 9, 2012
Week I Follow Up
Welcome again to our godly conversations about Bart Ehrman's book Jesus Interrupted!
We had a lively discussion yesterday. Chapter One of the book talks about the many discrepancies and contradictions that mark the narratives in our Holy Scripture, and implicitly asks the question: Does our faith rely on an inerrant scripture? If we agree, as Ehrman suggests, that our scripture has too many discrepancies and contradictions to be taken literally and historically, does that necessarily unground our faith as Christians? Ehrman is clear to say, not necessarily. We will spend the next several weeks answering that question for ourselves, and conversing about the implications of such a seemingly...irreconcilable narrative.
We began this conversation on Sunday by sharing some of the elements of our canonical scripture that absolutely underpin our faith. If every word of the Bible is not literally true (cannot be literally true given the explicit discrepancies in the texts) in an historical sort of way: What parts of our scripture are, in fact, necessary to support our Christian faith?
The following were some of the responses to that question, the absolutely non-negotiable elements in our New Testament that ground our Christian faith:
What is on your list?
Please feel free to share your own thoughts about the non-negotiable messages in our Holy Scripture; i.e. those things that must be true in order for you to claim the Christian tradition as your own. Just click below to add your comment to this godly conversation.
Next week we will discuss chapter two of Jesus Interrupted, and compare the four Gospel accounts of Jesus' baptism.
We had a lively discussion yesterday. Chapter One of the book talks about the many discrepancies and contradictions that mark the narratives in our Holy Scripture, and implicitly asks the question: Does our faith rely on an inerrant scripture? If we agree, as Ehrman suggests, that our scripture has too many discrepancies and contradictions to be taken literally and historically, does that necessarily unground our faith as Christians? Ehrman is clear to say, not necessarily. We will spend the next several weeks answering that question for ourselves, and conversing about the implications of such a seemingly...irreconcilable narrative.
We began this conversation on Sunday by sharing some of the elements of our canonical scripture that absolutely underpin our faith. If every word of the Bible is not literally true (cannot be literally true given the explicit discrepancies in the texts) in an historical sort of way: What parts of our scripture are, in fact, necessary to support our Christian faith?
The following were some of the responses to that question, the absolutely non-negotiable elements in our New Testament that ground our Christian faith:
- That Jesus was human.
- The birth of Jesus in a manger.
- The resurrection (in general)
- That Jesus was a teacher of godly things (slightly paraphrased)
- Jesus' tending of those who are marginalized, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, etc.
- That Jesus brought a new message
- That Jesus' death was foretold
- The conversation between Jesus and the others who were crucified with him
- Jesus' baptism and his receipt of the power of the Holy Spirit
- The words of institution (basis for our Eucharist) uttered by Jesus at the Last Supper
- Jesus' washing his disciples' feet at the Last Supper - his servant hood
- That one of Jesus' friends betrayed him
- Jesus' willingness to continue on his path despite the evident consequences (his willingness to walk the walk)
- Jesus' personal recruitment of his disciples
NB: these are individual responses, and do not represent anything that the group agreed to as a whole.
What is on your list?
Please feel free to share your own thoughts about the non-negotiable messages in our Holy Scripture; i.e. those things that must be true in order for you to claim the Christian tradition as your own. Just click below to add your comment to this godly conversation.
Next week we will discuss chapter two of Jesus Interrupted, and compare the four Gospel accounts of Jesus' baptism.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Welcome to Godly Conversations
This is the new blog for the adult ed forum at the Episcopal Parish of St. Paul in Newton Highlands, MA. Last year our overall theme was "The Year of Telling Our Stories."
This year will be "The Year of the Word."
We will take our lead from this year's Christmas reading from John's Gospel: In the beginning was the Word. And each week we will explore more of the language that helps us to speak God's kingdom into being; more of the words that are the currency of Creation and New Creation.
So please plan to join us for a year of Godly conversations. And we will begin our adult ed conversations in 2012 with a series on Bart Ehrman's New York Times Best Seller:
Please feel free to read along with our congregation and contribute to the discussion on this blog.
The reading schedule can be found below, and each Sunday we will post a new set of discussion questions for the week that are open to anyone who would like to participate in the conversation.
Here is our reading schedule:
For Sunday, January 8th: Chapter 1 - A Historical Assault on Faith
For Sunday, January 15th: Chapter 2 - A World of Contradictions
For Sunday, January 29th: Chapter 3 - A Mass of Variant Views
For Sunday, February 12th: Chapter 4 - Who Wrote the Bible?
For Sunday, February 19th: Chapter 5 - Liar, Lunatic, or Lord? Finding the Historical Jesus
For Sunday, February 19th: Chapter 6 - How We Got the Bible
For Sunday, February 19th: Chapters 7 & 8 - Who Invented Christianity? Is Faith Possible?
When this book was first published in 2009, the Boston Globe review said that for more than a few folks, this book would be: "a grenade tossed into their tidy living rooms of religious faith."That is to say that this book offers a very fresh look and analysis of the scripture that grounds our faith tradition.
So join us for a lively conversation, in person on Sunday morning from 9:30am until 10:15am, or online at your convenience.
This year will be "The Year of the Word."
We will take our lead from this year's Christmas reading from John's Gospel: In the beginning was the Word. And each week we will explore more of the language that helps us to speak God's kingdom into being; more of the words that are the currency of Creation and New Creation.
So please plan to join us for a year of Godly conversations. And we will begin our adult ed conversations in 2012 with a series on Bart Ehrman's New York Times Best Seller:
"Jesus, Interrupted: Revealing the Hidden Contradictions in the Bible
(and why we don't know about them)."
Please feel free to read along with our congregation and contribute to the discussion on this blog.
The reading schedule can be found below, and each Sunday we will post a new set of discussion questions for the week that are open to anyone who would like to participate in the conversation.
Here is our reading schedule:
For Sunday, January 8th: Chapter 1 - A Historical Assault on Faith
For Sunday, January 15th: Chapter 2 - A World of Contradictions
For Sunday, January 29th: Chapter 3 - A Mass of Variant Views
For Sunday, February 12th: Chapter 4 - Who Wrote the Bible?
For Sunday, February 19th: Chapter 5 - Liar, Lunatic, or Lord? Finding the Historical Jesus
For Sunday, February 19th: Chapter 6 - How We Got the Bible
For Sunday, February 19th: Chapters 7 & 8 - Who Invented Christianity? Is Faith Possible?
When this book was first published in 2009, the Boston Globe review said that for more than a few folks, this book would be: "a grenade tossed into their tidy living rooms of religious faith."That is to say that this book offers a very fresh look and analysis of the scripture that grounds our faith tradition.
So join us for a lively conversation, in person on Sunday morning from 9:30am until 10:15am, or online at your convenience.
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