Friday, February 24, 2012

Lent 2012 in the Year of the Word

Sunday Mornings at 9:30am
The Non-Canonical Word

In this, our "Year of the Word," during the season of Lent, our Sunday morning Godly Conversations will be grounded in a survey of several of the Gospels that did not make it into our canon; Gospels that may help us prepare for Holy Week with new eyes and some fresh perspectives about...well, at least about the early Christian communities that were responsible for these writings, and their very diverse understandings of "the Word."

Below is the schedule for our conversations as well as several links to the primary source texts which you are encouraged to read and reflect upon, at your own pace. You can join the conversation on line by clicking in the comment area below, and/or you can join the conversation in person on Sunday morning. This will be a conversation that is suited for beginners and Bible enthusiasts, alike. So please join us and learn a bit about the early Christian words that were left out of our canon.

The blue links are the original texts and the pink links are to the resource pages on the Early Christian Writings site

Lent I – February 26                        
Passion Narratives in the Canonical Gospels
Mark 14-15, Matthew 26-27, Luke 22-23, John 13,18-19
All NRSV texts can be found online at:

Lent II – March 4                        
Gospel of Peter

Lent III – March 11                        
Gospel of Mary

Lent IV – March 18                        
Gospel of Judas

Lent V – March 25                        
Gospel of Phillip

So joins us every Sunday morning in the season of Lent  between 9:30am and 10:15am in person,
or at whatever time is convenient with you, online, for some Godly Conversation!